Meter Reading
Frequently Asked Questions
How does a meter reading work?

Electricity meters have a series of dials where the numbers run from left to right. These numbers are used to determine your electricity consumption which is used for billing.

How often is the meter read by eThekwini Municipality?  

Electricity meters are read once every three months for residential, while business meters are read monthly.

Why should I submit meter readings?

By submitting your meter readings regularly, you would receive an accurate bill based on actual consumption thus avoiding estimated consumption.

How often should I submit meter readings?

Electricity meter readings should be submitted monthly during your read day window.

What happens if I don’t submit meter readings?

You will be charged on an estimated consumption based on an average of your previous consumption if there are no meter readings available.

How do I submit a meter reading?

Electricity readings may be submitted via the eServices App (this can be downloaded from your App Store) or via the website.

How often are you billed for electricity? 

Electricity charges are billed monthly.

Do I need to submit meter readings if I have a smart meter? 

Yes, electricity meter readings may be submitted for a smart meter for now until such time the system is put in place for the meter to be read through a secure network.

What is an estimated bill? 

An estimated bill is when the municipality raises an estimated consumption based on your previous average consumption. Estimations are only billed when we do not have an actual reading on the system.

What date do I send in my reading?

Please use the electricity portion of your account – the from and to dates as a guidance.

How do I read my smart meter?

There is a button on the right bottom, press the button, until you get to a screen the shows 1.8.0 or 1.8.1 on the left of the screen, the figures on the right will be your reading measured in kWh.

Would a meter reader still come over to read my meter if I submit meter readings?

Yes, as we do a routine check on the meter to obtain a reading, this should be done periodically.

How do I get a key for the meter room that my meter is housed?

This key can be bought at our Customer Service Centres by the Body Corporate or Owner, bearing in mind that one enters the meter room at your risk own.

Which meters can submit meter readings?

All credit meters (digital and analogue) can submit readings. Prepaid meters do not require meter readings.

Will my readings be used in my next bill?

The meter reading is put through an audit process to check it against your previous meter readings and consumption history. If the reading is too high or too low, the readings may be rejected and evidence will required for the reading to be accepted.